Thursday, June 16, 2011

Windows IE Test Images in Virtual Box | VirtualBoxでWindowsIEのテストVMイメージ

This quick guide will show you how to get Microsoft's free IE testing images working in Virtual Box.


Step 1. Download MS Images | MSイメージをダウンロード
MS Images

Step 2. Download Intel 1000 Desktop Drivers | Intel 1000 デスクトップドライバーをダウンロード
Intel Driver

Step 3. Create new WinXP VM | 新しいWinXPVMを作成

Be sure when creating the image to chose the .vhd file that you extracted from the MS "installer".


Step 4. Change Network Card | ネットワークカードを変更
Under 'Settings' -> Network -> "Adapter 1" tab chose your network type (bridged/NAT whatever). Then under Advanced chose "Intel PRO/1000 MT Desktop (82540EM)" for the driver.

設定 → ネットワーク → アダプタ1のタブのネットワーク割り当てから好きな設定を選択する。高度設定のアダプタタイプから「Intel PRO/1000 MT Desktop (82540EM)」を選び。

Step 5. Create ISO from Intel Driver | インテルドライバーのISOを作る
You should have the PROWin32.exe driver downloaded. Start up cygwin for windows (or your terminal in *nix. Go to the directory that has the driver installer and run the following command:

genisoimage -o inteldriver.iso PROWin32.exe

genisoimage -o inteldriver.iso PROWin32.exe

Step 6. Start VM | VMを起動

Step 7. Mount the Intel Driver ISO | インテルドライバのISOをマウント

Step 8. Install Driver | ゲストでドライバをインストールする

Step 9. Profit! | 利益!
Don't forget to activate!


Sunday, June 12, 2011

WBTS Version 1.0 | WBTSバージョン1.0

It's been a long time but I'm back to updating WBTS. This version will contain the following changes:
1. Removal of extjs (I didn't like the gplv3 license) moved to MIT license.
2. Total re-write of service code. Removal of web resources in favour of xmlrpc. Ability to drop in new XML-RPC services is now much easier
3. Auto-configuration creation script now available to build wbts configuration.
4. Built in pydictdb for those who don't want to run MongoDB. Also a new abstracted storage API if you want to build your own storage sub-system.
5. Possible creation of windows installer / virtual environment. Still not sure yet.

Release is planned for late June, So stay tuned!



Here's some images of the new mgmt interface.

Results table:(結果表)

Here's viewing a result (テスト結果)

Here's the new DNS tab (DNS設定タブ)

Here's the new XML-RPC testing interface (新しいXML-RPCインタフェース)