Thursday, December 22, 2011

OWASPジャパンについて僕の意見です。(My Opinion on OWASP Japan)



1. ローカルチャプターやリーダー会議やカンファレンスを行いたい人は電話会議か実際に会って会議をする。これは必要と思う。しないと何も動かないかな。

2. 興味を持っている人に役割を与える。もし、複数の人が同じことをやりたかったら選挙を行ったりする。ポジションの名前はわかんないけど、以下のような例がある。

I. OWASP全国リーダー

II. OWASPイベント主催者

III. OWASP担当マネージャー(これはいろいろな国際OWASPメンバーと関わるので英会話がかなり必要)

IV. OWASPチャプターリーダー(市)

V. OWASPチャプター主催者(チャプターリーダーと同じ人でも大丈夫)

VI. OWASPテクニカルリーダー(職務はプレゼン、書類を作るかレビューする)

VII. 他 もっとあるはず。。。

3. リソース(会議室)やOWASPに時間や資金を寄付する余裕がある組織を見つける。

4. もし、問題があったら選挙システムを作る。


My Opinion on OWASP Japan

First, let me be clear that I do not want to run any local chapters, leader meetings or conferences. The point of me writing this is explain what I think needs to be done to get OWASP Japan started.

1. Get everyone interested in running chapter meetings, leader meetings or conferences together, either face to face or via teleconference. This is a must, otherwise you won't move forward.

2. Determine and assign duties and positions to those interested. If multiple people want the same position, a vote should be held. I don’t know if there are proper names for these positions but examples are:

i. OWASP Country Leader(s)

ii. OWASP Event Organizer(s)

iii. OWASP Relations Managers (Someone who can deal with international OWASP leaders and members; English is a requirement.)

iv. OWASP Chapter Leaders (per city/area)

v. OWASP Chapter Organizers (Could be same person as Chapter Leader)

vi. OWASP Technical supporters (People who give talks/presentations help review and create security guides)

vii. Probably more

3. Find organizations which are willing to donate resources (conference rooms) or time to OWASP.

4. Create a voting system to handle issues when occur.

Personally, I’d prefer to see Japanese people lead all of the top level positions. I also think it is important to have women hold some of these positions and contribute to OWASP Japan.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Windows IE Test Images in Virtual Box | VirtualBoxでWindowsIEのテストVMイメージ

This quick guide will show you how to get Microsoft's free IE testing images working in Virtual Box.


Step 1. Download MS Images | MSイメージをダウンロード
MS Images

Step 2. Download Intel 1000 Desktop Drivers | Intel 1000 デスクトップドライバーをダウンロード
Intel Driver

Step 3. Create new WinXP VM | 新しいWinXPVMを作成

Be sure when creating the image to chose the .vhd file that you extracted from the MS "installer".


Step 4. Change Network Card | ネットワークカードを変更
Under 'Settings' -> Network -> "Adapter 1" tab chose your network type (bridged/NAT whatever). Then under Advanced chose "Intel PRO/1000 MT Desktop (82540EM)" for the driver.

設定 → ネットワーク → アダプタ1のタブのネットワーク割り当てから好きな設定を選択する。高度設定のアダプタタイプから「Intel PRO/1000 MT Desktop (82540EM)」を選び。

Step 5. Create ISO from Intel Driver | インテルドライバーのISOを作る
You should have the PROWin32.exe driver downloaded. Start up cygwin for windows (or your terminal in *nix. Go to the directory that has the driver installer and run the following command:

genisoimage -o inteldriver.iso PROWin32.exe

genisoimage -o inteldriver.iso PROWin32.exe

Step 6. Start VM | VMを起動

Step 7. Mount the Intel Driver ISO | インテルドライバのISOをマウント

Step 8. Install Driver | ゲストでドライバをインストールする

Step 9. Profit! | 利益!
Don't forget to activate!


Sunday, June 12, 2011

WBTS Version 1.0 | WBTSバージョン1.0

It's been a long time but I'm back to updating WBTS. This version will contain the following changes:
1. Removal of extjs (I didn't like the gplv3 license) moved to MIT license.
2. Total re-write of service code. Removal of web resources in favour of xmlrpc. Ability to drop in new XML-RPC services is now much easier
3. Auto-configuration creation script now available to build wbts configuration.
4. Built in pydictdb for those who don't want to run MongoDB. Also a new abstracted storage API if you want to build your own storage sub-system.
5. Possible creation of windows installer / virtual environment. Still not sure yet.

Release is planned for late June, So stay tuned!



Here's some images of the new mgmt interface.

Results table:(結果表)

Here's viewing a result (テスト結果)

Here's the new DNS tab (DNS設定タブ)

Here's the new XML-RPC testing interface (新しいXML-RPCインタフェース)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Some Bug Reports | いくつかの脆弱性報告

Recently some bugs I found in browsers and a flash player have had their advisories released. The first is a bug in Camtasia that allows for XSS because they allow remote inclusion of configuration files. Inside of the configuration files you can specify a javascript:... URL inside of an XML Element. This javascript URL is executed after the movie has finished playing.

The other bug was one I found while working on WBTS. It's a bug in version 10.62 of Opera's browser. This allowed for CSS and potentially other data to be accessed cross origin. This bug was due to a problem with redirects and reading in the remote files cssRules. I said it in my WBTS talk and I'll say it again, redirects are a common source of browser bugs!

最近、ベンダーさんは僕が見つけた脆弱性情報を発表した。ひとつのバッグはCamtasiaというフラッシュ映画の作れるソフトにXSS攻撃が可能だった。 そのソフトはフラッシュ映画にリモート(他のサーバー)からXML設定ファイルを挿入できる。設定ファイルの中にXML要素で「javascript:」のURLを指定し、映画が終わったらフラッシュによってブラウザはこのURLをアクセスする。


Friday, October 8, 2010

Slides Available | スライドを発表した

Quick note I just uploaded my slides from the SyScan talk to the WBTS Project Page.

SyScanのWBTSプロジェクトのスライドをWBTS プロジェクトページにアップロードした。

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

SyScan Done WBTS Released | SyScan終わったWBTS発表した

I finally finished all the work necessary for my SyScan talk at Ho Chi Minh. It went well and I had a pretty awesome time in Vietnam. I was going to post an update when I got back but I've been too tired to do anything. After 8-9 months of work, I would like to report I have finally released WBTS. There are a few missing test cases from the initial release as I have open bugs with Opera and BlackBerry. Once they fix those bugs I'll release the WBTS cases. Anyways you can download WBTS here and WBTS Runner here.

やっとSyScanでのプレゼンテーションが終わった。本当によかった、ベトナムは楽しかった。戻った後にすぐブログを書こうと思ったけど、結構疲れたから今までやらなかった。9ヶ月間の努力の末にやっとWBTSを発表した。まだ、ブラウザベンダー「BlackBerry、Opera」が脆弱性を直してないから、最初のリリースはその直してない脆弱性のテストケースを含まない。直した後に発表する。以下のようなリンクでWBTSをダウンロードできる。WBTS。。。 WBTS Runner.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Overlong UTF-8 Generator | 不正なUTF-8シーケンスジェネレーター

Real quick post about some code I made to generate invalid UTF-8 sequences. I couldn't find this online so I made my own ;D.
Here it is:


Example: written by wirepair
Enter an ASCII char to make overlong, or hex (ex: h27) or 'quit': '
char ['] dec [39] hex [27] url: %27
overlong 2-byte sequence: c0 a7
overlong 3-byte sequence: e0 a7
overlong 4-byte sequence: f0 80 80 a7
overlong 5-byte sequence: f8 80 80 80 a7
overlong 6-byte sequence: fc 80 80 80 80 a7
Enter an ASCII char to make overlong, or hex (ex: h27) or 'quit': /
char [/] dec [47] hex [2f] url: %2f
overlong 2-byte sequence: c0 af
overlong 3-byte sequence: e0 af
overlong 4-byte sequence: f0 80 80 af
overlong 5-byte sequence: f8 80 80 80 af
overlong 6-byte sequence: fc 80 80 80 80 af
Enter an ASCII char to make overlong, or hex (ex: h27) or 'quit': ]
char []] dec [93] hex [5d] url: %5d
overlong 2-byte sequence: c1 9d
overlong 3-byte sequence: e1 9d
overlong 4-byte sequence: f1 80 80 9d
overlong 5-byte sequence: f9 80 80 80 9d
overlong 6-byte sequence: fd 80 80 80 80 9d
Enter an ASCII char to make overlong, or hex (ex: h27) or 'quit': \
char [\] dec [92] hex [5c] url: %5c
overlong 2-byte sequence: c1 9c
overlong 3-byte sequence: e1 9c
overlong 4-byte sequence: f1 80 80 9c
overlong 5-byte sequence: f9 80 80 80 9c
overlong 6-byte sequence: fd 80 80 80 80 9c
Enter an ASCII char to make overlong, or hex (ex: h27) or 'quit': h0a
char [
] dec [10] hex [0a] url: %0a
overlong 2-byte sequence: c0 8a
overlong 3-byte sequence: e0 8a
overlong 4-byte sequence: f0 80 80 8a
overlong 5-byte sequence: f8 80 80 80 8a
overlong 6-byte sequence: fc 80 80 80 80 8a