Here it is:
Example: written by wirepair
Enter an ASCII char to make overlong, or hex (ex: h27) or 'quit': '
char ['] dec [39] hex [27] url: %27
overlong 2-byte sequence: c0 a7
overlong 3-byte sequence: e0 a7
overlong 4-byte sequence: f0 80 80 a7
overlong 5-byte sequence: f8 80 80 80 a7
overlong 6-byte sequence: fc 80 80 80 80 a7
Enter an ASCII char to make overlong, or hex (ex: h27) or 'quit': /
char [/] dec [47] hex [2f] url: %2f
overlong 2-byte sequence: c0 af
overlong 3-byte sequence: e0 af
overlong 4-byte sequence: f0 80 80 af
overlong 5-byte sequence: f8 80 80 80 af
overlong 6-byte sequence: fc 80 80 80 80 af
Enter an ASCII char to make overlong, or hex (ex: h27) or 'quit': ]
char []] dec [93] hex [5d] url: %5d
overlong 2-byte sequence: c1 9d
overlong 3-byte sequence: e1 9d
overlong 4-byte sequence: f1 80 80 9d
overlong 5-byte sequence: f9 80 80 80 9d
overlong 6-byte sequence: fd 80 80 80 80 9d
Enter an ASCII char to make overlong, or hex (ex: h27) or 'quit': \
char [\] dec [92] hex [5c] url: %5c
overlong 2-byte sequence: c1 9c
overlong 3-byte sequence: e1 9c
overlong 4-byte sequence: f1 80 80 9c
overlong 5-byte sequence: f9 80 80 80 9c
overlong 6-byte sequence: fd 80 80 80 80 9c
Enter an ASCII char to make overlong, or hex (ex: h27) or 'quit': h0a
char [
] dec [10] hex [0a] url: %0a
overlong 2-byte sequence: c0 8a
overlong 3-byte sequence: e0 8a
overlong 4-byte sequence: f0 80 80 8a
overlong 5-byte sequence: f8 80 80 80 8a
overlong 6-byte sequence: fc 80 80 80 80 8a
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